

This guide is designed to help you get started with RainLisp quickly. It also contains supplementary information to the rest of the documentation.

The author tried to give it some introductory programming course characteristics, so that anyone can benefit from it. Despite the fact that it focuses on RainLisp and LISP in general, it presents some educational information that can be applicable in other contexts too.


To follow along the examples, you can download just RainLisp Console. But for the best experience, you are encouraged to download the RainLisp VSCode extension as well. By having both, you can write and execute code right from inside Visual Studio Code.

Let’s start our endeavor with numbers.

Data Types

Language Basics

Data Structures

Advanced Topics

What’s Next?

If you covered all of the above sections, you already have more than what you need, in order to start using and experimenting with RainLisp yourself.

But if you haven’t had enough yet, you may read the old time classic Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Remember that RainLisp is so much similar to Scheme LISP, which means you can follow along most of the book’s examples using RainLisp!

Have fun!